Saquish Candle


A simpler version of the Powder Point design . Adorned with a hand picked oyster shell .

12 oz.

Burn time of 48-66 hours.

Wooden Crackle Wick.

+ All natural Soy Wax Blend
+ Natural oyster Shell from Duxbury Bay

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A simpler version of the Powder Point design . Adorned with a hand picked oyster shell .

12 oz.

Burn time of 48-66 hours.

Wooden Crackle Wick.

+ All natural Soy Wax Blend
+ Natural oyster Shell from Duxbury Bay

A simpler version of the Powder Point design . Adorned with a hand picked oyster shell .

12 oz.

Burn time of 48-66 hours.

Wooden Crackle Wick.

+ All natural Soy Wax Blend
+ Natural oyster Shell from Duxbury Bay